This Day, 12-Mart-2025, Çarşamba
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  • IYT Courses
  • IYT Recreational Courses
  • Corporate Training
  • Government Approvals
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  • Course Diagram

    IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses

    International Yacht Training Worldwide operates more boating and sailing courses with more Government approvals through more sailing schools, in more countries and in more languages than any other boating or sailing organisation in the world.

    The company was started in 2002 for the purposes of:

    1) Standardising yacht training across the globe.

    2) Offering the training in a modular format.

    3) Courses could be taken in any of our partner schools anywhere in the world. To date, we have 118 partner schools in 36 countries and our courses are available in 6 different languages.

    4) The company offers an entire range of recreational courses from entry level sailing and powerboat courses up to International Bareboat Skipper and Yachtmaster Offshore.

    5) Professional yachting courses such as, Master of Yachts Coastal, Limited and Unlimited, Superyacht Deck Crew and Professional Superyacht Hospitality.

    No other organisation offers such a diverse range of nautical training or is as internationally accepted as IYT Worldwide. Our professional yachting courses are recognised by 25 different Governments worldwide for commercial use including the British Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), and our commitment to standards of excellence, hands on practical training and quality instruction have made IYT Worldwide the world's number one choice for nautical training.

    IYT Recreational Courses

    International Bareboat Skipper (Power or Sail)
    International Watchkeeper / Flotilla Skipper (Power or Sail)
    Introduction to Boating & International Crew (Power or Sail)
    VHF Radio Operators Certificate
    Yachtmaster Coastal (Power or Sail)
    Yachtmaster Offshore (Power or Sail)

  • International Bareboat Skipper (Power or Sail)

    IYT has developed a modular format in maritime training. The concept was to offer a series of nautical courses both professional and recreational that would be acceptable to all major national registries and governments. This idea has now become a reality and has enabled us to successfully establish a network of partner schools offering IYT courses worldwide. The model has been enthusiastically embraced by a growing number of colleges, training establishments, countries and administrations.

    The modular nature of the courses allows the candidate the convenience of full time, evening or weekend participation coupled with the ability to chose a convenient location. To date, (March 2011) we have 118 partner schools in 36 countries and our professional yachting courses are now accepted for commercial use by 25 different administrations. Our Bareboat and Flotilla certificates are accepted by all major Yacht Charter companies and most insurance companies offer discounted premiums to those who hold IYT qualifications. *The following courses up to and including International Bareboat Skipper are modular in format with each module being of 8 hours or 1 day's duration. The candidate will be taught either on a power or sailing vessel depending on his /her training requirements.

    While some course may have the same syllabus headings, it is important to note that with all IYT courses, the "depth of knowledge" increases as one progresses through the various modules. A student may enter the programme at any level determined by their previous boating experience. International Bareboat Skipper (Power or Sail) This is not a beginners course and the recommended entry level requirements are to have completed the VHF radio operators course, have logged over 200 nautical miles and 10 days at sea before advancing to this level. The minimum age requirement to obtain this certification is 18.

    Course Outline:
    » Responsibilities of a bareboat skipper
    » Crew safety checks
    » Hull and rig checks
    » Machinery and systems checks
    » Fuel and water capacity and range
    » Menus and quantities
    » Float plan
    » Sources of meteorological information
    » Weather patterns
    » Sea and land breezes
    » Cloud types and formations
    » Pilotage and passage planning
    » Considerations when planning a passage
    » Routine for navigating a coastal passage
    » Passage strategy
    » Port regulations, customs, immigration
    » Pilotage plans
    » Vessel handling in confined quarters
    » Mooring, anchoring, coming alongside
    » Ropes, knots, care and use of lines
    » General deck work
    » Tides and currents theory
    » Tidal heights, springs and neaps
    » Rule of "twelfths"
    » Position fixing, running fixes
    » Plotting the effect of tides and currents
    » Collision regulations
    » Lights, shapes and sounds
    » Application of the regulations
    » Advanced dingy handling

  • International Watchkeeper / Flotilla Skipper (Power or Sail)

    A five day course aimed at increasing a student's knowledge sufficiently to be a watchkeeper or a flotilla skipper on board a bareboat yacht, in fair weather, in daylight hours within sight of land. Recommended entry level requirements: to have successfully completed the International Crew course and the VHF radio operator's course.

    Course outline:
    » Responsibilities of a watchkeeper / flotilla skipper
    » Man overboard procedures
    » Charts and chartwork
    » The magnetic compass
    » Buoyage
    » Taking over a vessel and vessel checkout
    » Engine, tools, spares, safety equipment
    » Crew safety briefing
    » Galley and provisioning
    » Powerboat handling skills
    » Sailboat handling skills
    » Basic first aid
    » Collision regulations
    » Customs matters and legal requirements
    » Preparing a short passage
    » Anchoring
    » Dingy handling under power

  • Introduction to Boating & International Crew (Power or Sail)

    Course Outline:
    » Nautical terminology
    » Safety briefing
    » Passage planning
    » Rope work
    » Basic rules of the road
    » Introduction to weather
    » Basic sail handling
    » Basic handling under power
    » Man overboard procedures
    » Vessel equipment and instruments
    » Engine checks and maintenance
    » Deck seamanship
    » Sailing vessels handling skills
    » Sailing vessels under power
    » Power vessel handling skills
    » Dingy handling under power

  • Powerboat Master

    Designed for those to wish to operate a pleasure boat (power, with accommodation) up to 24 m, (80') in sight of land in fair weather. Tailored for those who are considering chartering a powerboat or for those who are purchasing a vessel.
    Five day live-aboard course which includes both theory and practical components including but not limited to:

    » Safety at sea
    » VHF Radio operations
    » Nautical terminology
    » Taking over a vessel
    » Ropework
    » Collision regulations
    » Introduction to weather/meteorology
    » Charts and compass work
    » Charwork
    » Passage planning
    » Dingy handling
    » Boat handling under power
    » Berthing, anchoring and coming alongside
    » Glossary of terms

  • Small Powerboat and RIB Master (MCA approved)

    » Covers vessels up to 15m (45')
    » Driven by outboard or inboard motors
    » In fair weather,
    » No horsepower limitations
    » No accommodation,
    » Up to 20 miles from a safe haven.

    This two day course covers one day of theory and one day of practical boat handling including:
    » Safety at sea
    » VHF Radio operations
    » Small powerboats and rigid inflatable boats
    » Launching and recovery
    » Anchors and anchoring
    » Nautical terminology
    » Boat handling under power
    » Man overboard procedures
    » Ropes and rope-work
    » Basic rules of the road (collision regulations)
    » Glossary of terms

  • VHF Radio Operators Certificate

    Course outline:
    » Introduction to VHF radio's
    » Basic radio theory
    » Line of sight
    » Subsidiary equipment
    » Common radio terms
    » Regulations / Licensing requirements
    » VHF radio equipment
    » Radio procedures
    » Transmitting and receiving
    » The phonetic alphabet
    » Emergency radio communications
    » EPIRB and SART
    » Hand held short range VHF radio's

  • Yachtmaster Coastal (Power or Sail)


    When it comes to facing the elements at sea, textbook knowledge is no substitute for practical experience. There is no doubt that aspiring yachtsmen and women must prepare themselves as much as possible before being able to truly take full responsibility for themselves, their vessels and their crews. IYT Yachtmaster certification is of vital importance because it is an established and globally recognised measure of competency for the commanding of power and sail vessels. This certification not only makes yachting a pleasure, as it should be, but also a safer pursuit for all those who wish to participate now and in the future.

    What are the IYT Yachtmaster certificate's?

    The IYT Yachtmaster courses are recreationa courses. These courses are designed to provide the highest standard of maritime education for the recreational yachtsman and woman and for those who are serious about obtaining the best nautical qualifications available. They are ideal for those who greatly want to expand their knowledge and experience and increase their confidence in commanding a yacht. For those who are taking the courses, completion of the 5 day STCW Basic Safetytraining courses is not required but is highly recommended. The five day course covers Fire fighting, Sea Survival, First Aid and Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities. Yachtmaster courses are not beginners courses.

    How many Yachtmaster courses are there?

    There are three:
    » Yachtmaster Coastal to operate a Yacht up to 24 m (80')
    » Yachtmaster Offshore to operate a Yacht up to 200 Tons, 150 miles Offshore
    » Yachtmaster Ocean to operate a Yacht up to 200 Tons unlimited Oceans

    What are the advantages of holding an IYT Yachtmaster Certificate?

    » The IYT Yachtmaster certificates are internationally recognised as a standard of excellence for the recreational yachtsman.
    » IYT Yachtmaster qualifications are recognised by marine insurance companies worldwide.
    » IYT Yachtmaster qualifications give the yachtsman and woman a much increased level of confidence in their ability to handle a yacht due to our intensive level of on the water training.
    » IYT Yachtmaster certificates are accepted by yacht charter companies on a worldwide basis.

    What does the Yachtmaster Coastal course consist of?

    A comprehensive live aboard course consisting of 6 days for sail or 5 days for power which includes the practical on the water examination. The course covers subjects such as navigational charts and publications, dead reckoning and estimated position, position fixing, tides, tidal levels and data, pilotage, safety at sea, meteorology and much more. Because the Yachtmaster Coastal course is conducted onboard a yacht it also covers such practical seamanship skills as ropework, anchorwork, boat handling, docking, yacht presentation, navigation, passage planning and much more.

    What are the minimum entry requirements to apply for the IYT Yachtmaster Coastal course?

    » In order to participate in this course, candidates should have logged 30 days and 800 miles at sea including 2 days as watch leader/skipper and 12 hours underway on watch at night.
    » Candidates may sit the course prior to obtaining the minimum sea time. However, they will not be issued their Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate until all the requirements have been met.
    » Verification of yachting experience must be signed by the skipper of the yacht on which the candidate was sailing. Candidates claiming sea time during times when they were acting as captain may sign their own entries, but will need independent proof that can be verified by IYT.

    What Is Required For The IYT Yachtmaster Coastal Exam?

    » The course must be completed before applying for the exam.
    » Minimum sea time requirements must also have been met before examination.

    What Does The Exam Consist Of?

    The examination takes the form of an oral and practical test onboard a yacht. Candidates must demonstrate that they have sufficient ability to handle, dock, and anchor the boat with a required level of confidence. Candidates can expect to be examined on any subject contained within the syllabus and to be questioned on any of their yachting experience to date. In the event that the examiner considers an examinee not to have achieved the required standards, an IYT Yachtmaster certificate will not be issued. In this case, a confidential report will be sent to the candidate outlining the reason or reasons for failure and suggesting remedial action that could lead to the successful completion of the course. Completion of the IYT Yachtmaster Coastal course is not a guarantee of passing the examination and receiving your certificate.

    How To Apply For Enrollment?

    Candidates may apply to any of the participating IYT Partner Schools worldwide who offer this course. In order to apply for the IYT Yachtmaster certification courses, a detailed yachting resume must be sent to your IYT training school for evaluation. Acceptance onto the course does not automatically guarantee obtaining an IYT Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate. All the prerequisites must be fulfilled and satisfactory standards achieved in all of the courses.

  • Yachtmaster Ocean (Power or Sail)

    What is the IYT Yachtmaster Ocean Certificate?

    This certificate is a qualification that indicates that the holder has sufficient knowledge of celestial navigation to navigate globally using a sextant and to plan, undertake and manage an Ocean passage together with a comprehensive understanding of the factors involved with regards to routing and meteorology.

    What are the entry level requirements?

    To gain the IYT Yachtmaster Ocean certificate, candidates must first hold the IYT Yachtmaster Offshore certificate.

    What does the Yachtmaster Ocean theory course consist of?

    The course consists of 6 days of astronavigation and worldwide meteorology. A thorough knowledge of all subjects covered in the IYT Yachtmaster Offshore course is assumed. There will be a final written examination on the last day of the course.

    The course covers:
    » The earth and the celestial sphere
    » The PZX triangle
    » The sextant
    » Measurement of time
    » Meridian altitudes
    » Sun sights
    » Planet sights
    » Starsight planning
    » Starsights
    » The pole star
    » Moon sights
    » Compass checking
    » Satellite navigation systems
    » Great circle sailing
    » Meteorology
    » Passage planning

    The IYT Yachtmaster Ocean certificate is a qualification that indicates that the holder has sufficient knowledge of celestial navigation to navigate globally using a sextant and to plan, undertake and manage an Ocean passage together with a comprehensive understanding of the factors involved with regards to routing and meteorology.

  • Yachtmaster Offshore (Power or Sail)


    The IYT Yachtmaster Offshore course has become the most globally accepted course for the operation of recreational yachts up to 200 Tons.

    What are the IYT Yachtmaster 200 Ton certificate's?

    The IYT Yachtmaster courses are recreational courses. The courses are designed to provide the highest standard of maritime education for the recreational yachtsman and woman and for those who are serious about obtaining the best nautical qualifications available. They are ideal for those who greatly want to expand their knowledge and experience and increase their confidence in commanding a yacht. For those who are taking the courses, completion of the 5 day STCW Basic Safety training courses is not required but highly recommended. The five day course covers Fire fighting, Sea Survival, First Aid and Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities. Yachtmaster courses are not for beginners, candidates will have to meet minimum requirements as outlined below.

    How many Yachtmaster courses are there?

    There are three:
    » Yachtmaster Coastal for the operation of a Yacht up to 24 m (80')
    » Yachtmaster Offshore for the operation of a Yacht up to 200 Tons, 150 miles Offshore
    » Yachtmaster Ocean for the operation of a Yacht up to 200 Tons unlimited Oceans

    What are the advantages of holding an IYT Yachtmaster Certificate?
    » The IYT Yachtmaster certificates are the most internationally recognised qualifications for recreational yachting worldwide.
    » IYT Yachtmaster qualifications are recognised by marine insurance companies worldwide.
    » IYT Yachtmaster qualifications give the yachtsman and woman a much increased level of confidence in their ability to handle a yacht due to our intensive level of on the water training.
    » IYT Yachtmaster certificates are accepted by all major yacht charter companies.

    What are the minimum entry requirements to complete the IYT Yachtmaster Offshore Course?

    There are no pre-requisite courses required.
    However, candidates must provide documented evidence of boating experience as stated below:
    1. Candidates must have logged 50 days on board a yacht at sea as an active crew member. For the purpose of this requirement, a day is defined as a period of 24 consecutive hours. Parts of a day may be included in this total, but a day is not invalidated by a candidate leaving the yacht for a few hours during a cruise. The term "at sea" is defined as being on a vessel outside of any harbor - natural or artificial - in which a cruising yacht could secure or anchor for a prolonged period of time.

    2. Have logged 3,000 miles in a yacht while cruising at sea (power or sail). This mileage must be logged on genuine cruises or passages but not short day trips. At least 2,000 miles must have been completed on coastal voyages and not ocean crossings. It is important that the candidate has considerable time of actual vessel handling.

    3. Thirty hours on watch at night underway as an active member of a yacht's crew. For at least six hours of this night time experience, the candidate must have been acting as the vessel's captain/watchleader. "Night," in this context, is defined as the time between sunset and sunrise.

    4. A current medical examination and a colour blindness eyesight examination which allows the participant to safely perform the relevant duties on a yacht, including being able to see and distinguish lights and signals of other vessels and navigational marks in typical weather conditions without risk to him/herself, other crewmembers or the safe operation of the vessel.

    » Candidates may sit the shore-based course prior to having all the above requirements.
    » Verification of the above yachting experience must be original and signed by the skipper of the yacht in which the candidate was sailing. Candidates claiming sea time during times when they were acting as skipper may sign their own entries but independent verification may be required and checked by IYT.

    What does the programme consist of?

    The programme consists of three separate courses as outlined below. Each course stands alone and can be taken individually or together. They can be taken in any of our participating partner schools and it is not necessary to complete them all at the same time or at the same location if you do not wish to. However, it is recommended that all three courses be taken in as quick a succession as possible in order to retain as much information before the final on-board examination with an IYT examiner.

    (A) A six day comprehensive high level shore based course with assessment papers and written examinations incorporating subjects including navigation, tidal calculations, international collision regulations, pilotage, meteorology, anchoring, berthing, buoyage, safety, passage planning, general ship knowledge and seamanship. Candidates are advised that a considerable amount of private study and varied cruising experience is required in addition to the formal instruction provided.

    (B) A five day practical course which is conducted on board a yacht (either power or sail) covering seamanship skills such as nautical terminology, tides, ropework, anchors/anchoring, boat handling, docking, yacht presentation, general boating skills, weather, navigation, ability to command, situational awareness and passage planning. This will be a preparation course for your final IYT Yachtmaster Offshore Examination.

    (C) A 6 hour VHF Radio Operators course. This course covers the general rules and procedures for the safe operation of a VHF marine radio. This course will either be conducted on board the yacht or in the classroom prior to joining the practical course.

    (D) The 5 day STCW Basic Safety Training courses consisting of:

    A- Personal Survival course

    which in compliance with STCW '95 Code A - VI/1-2 and consists of one and a half day in a classroom covering subjects such as emergency situations, evacuation, survival craft and rescue boats, personal lifesaving appliances, survival at sea, emergency radio equipment and helicopter assistance. The remainder of the course is spent in a swimming pool performing an actual life raft inflation and inversion and the simulation of other abandon ship procedures. The theory and practical are both followed by a short written examination.

    A- Fire fighting and prevention course

    which is in compliance with STCW '95 Code A - VI/1-2 including shipboard fire fighting organisation, the elements of fire and explosion, types of ignition, fire and smoke detection, breathing apparatus use and automatic alarm system familiarisation. Candidates will fight and extinguish actual fires using personal survival equipment, appliances methods and various agents. The course includes seminar and practical instruction taught by licensed and certified fire fighting professionals. It takes two days to complete and is followed by a short written examination.

    A- First Aid and CPR course

    which in compliance with STCW '95 Code A - VI/1-2 and consists of approximately seven hours of theory and practical demonstration covering basic First Aid and CPR in marine situations. The course is followed by a short written examination.

    A- 4 hour Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities course
    in compliance with the STCW '95 Code A - VI/1 - 2. The course covers safety on board a boat, types of emergencies, knowledge of shipboard plans, safe working practices and is followed by a short written examination.

    What is required for my final Yachtmaster examination?

    All of the courses and criteria must be fulfilled before a candidate may apply to take the final on-board examination.

    What does the final exam consist of?

    The final exam will be conducted by an independent IYT Yachtmaster examiner and takes the form of an extensive oral and practical test on a yacht (either power or sail). Candidates can expect to be examined on any subject covered by the syllabus of the shore based or practical courses and to be questioned on any aspect of their yachting experience to date. In the event that the examiner considers an examinee not to have achieved the required standards and/or the candidates? ability as Captain does not reach the required standard, and/or the prerequisites have not been met for the IYT Yachtmaster Offshore, a Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate may be issued in the interim. In this case, and if requested, a personal report will be sent to the candidate outlining the reason or reasons for failure and suggesting remedial action prior to re sitting the exam. Completion of the Yachtmaster Offshore certification course is not a guarantee of passing the examination and receiving your certificate.

    How do I apply for enrollment?

    Candidates may apply to any of the participating IYT Partner Schools worldwide who offer this course. In order to apply for the IYT Yachtmaster certification courses, a detailed yachting resume must be sent to your IYT partner training school for evaluation. Acceptance onto the course does not automatically guarantee obtaining an IYT Yachtmaster certificate. All the prerequisites must be fulfilled and satisfactory standards achieved in all of the courses.

    What certificates will I receive at the end of the entire course?

    Those completing the IYT Yachtmaster Offshore program will receive the following:
    1. The IYT Yachtmaster Offshore 200 Ton shore based certificate
    2. VHF Radio Operators Certificate
    3. Basic Sea Survival Certificate (S.T.C.W. 95)
    4. Fire Fighting Certificate (S.T.C.W. 95
    5. First Aid Certificate (S.T.C.W. 95)
    6. Personal Safety and Social Responsibility (S.T.C.W. 95)

    Corporate Training

    Safety at sea
    Astro Navigation
    Tide and Currents

  • Safety at Sea

    You feel confident anytime you use your regular equipment. Because you are experienced. For example,  you know very well what to do while driving like braking, overtaking, rain, snow. Because You have learned by  doing it  many times. So do you or your captain know what to do, when something bad happens (Even it happens very rarely). Are you or your captain ready when the boat takes water, when a fire starts, when a man falls into the sea, when you need to use life raft.  Did this happen to you or to your captain before? When such conditions happens We usually get caught unprepared. Your and your loved ones life and your property is very important. So being ready should be very important.

    This safety training prepares you, your loved one and your crew for emergencies. Besides the theoretical  lessons, It teach you by experiencing those situtions. You will learn by practicing real situtions like the man falls to the sea, fire fighting, using the life raft by detonating, basic first aid. It is learning by experience. This training should be taken  periodically  as it  prepares your family and your crew for dangerous conditions. and gives more confidence at sea. Sometimes the difference between life and death, is just seconds apart and it is very important to give accurate and timely response.

    Theoretical training has four main groups:
    • the right to remain in the sea
    • Personal security and responsibilities
    • Basic first aid
    • The fire fight

    Practical training:
    • the man fall to the sea
    • Using Life Raft
    • Fire extinguisher
    • First aid

    Theoretical training lasts four days. Optionally, You can get it in two days in condensed version. Practical training takes 1 day. Also optionally We can do audit your boat for safety and provide you a report.

  • Navigation

    Today, When we mention navigation , the GPS or chartplotter devices comes to mind. But these devices often fail or gives faulty reading very often. On top of that, It is very important to interpret its reading or its map correctly. This is not just looking at the color of depth. Many small and large accidents occurs every year, because of navigation mistakes. If you or your captain does  not use a marine paper map regularly, now it is  time to take this course.

    Paper marine maps are mandatory on boats and gps devices are just secondary aids for navigation. When you first turn on a gps / plotter device, it gives you warning page  on this subject and ask you whether you accept the risks. After you accept it, the map opens. Conditions like bad weather, night times, limited visibility, equipment failure, It becomes very important to put your position on the map and navigate accordingly. Likewise, if something happens to your  captain, you shoould be able to put your position on the map and navigate to nearest safe harbor.

  • Astro Navigation

    Charwork, how to interpret chart, draw a route on the map, getting fixes by binoculars, bearing compass, depth sounder, radar, different position fixing  methods, computation time and speed, calculating course to steer by compass, calculate  routes are the subjects of this course. This course takes 4 to 5 days.

    Finding the way by stars, the sun and the moon is what sailors learned, used and developed since the beginning of the maritime history. It is not a far  past that aircrafts used used astro navigation to find their ways. Already the modern astro navigation uses air forces  books (Sight reduction tables). Even if you do not sail in the open sea or oceans, You can learn astro navigation to feel like a real sailor and to get some fun. Like a true sailor, You can  often pick up a sextant and measure, it is a fun task. If you are on the side of people who says a real sailor carries a sextant, Then you should get this course.

    On this course You will learn about defining the bodies on the sky,  astro navigation theory  and terminology, angle calculations, using Sextant, Almanac and sight reduction tables, using different methods of putting position lines (sun, sunrise / sunset, noon and stars and the polaris,), position fixes, compass correction  and learn how to calculate the shortest route. This training takes five days.

  • Tide and Currents

    Another beati of Eagean region is that tides and current are minimal. But for many countries Calculating tides and current continously is a normal part of marine life and it is a serious matter to be taken into account. If you must use a boat in those countries in near future, Current and tides is one of the first things you need to learn or refresh your knowledge. The reasons for tides and currents occur in this course, the tide and current tables and use the map and calculating NOTWITHSTANDING Almanac, steering route calculation, calculation of the depth of anchor, bridge height calculation, you will learn topics such as calculation of the harbor channel entrance and exit times. This training lasts two days.

  • Teamwork Corporate Cruises and Team building Sailing is a team sport. Every position on the boat makes people to do their duties in harmony and coordination. Shortcomings of each one on the boat effects the other ones and the boat itself just like the clock gears and a wheel. As a sport, it develops team spirit which is inherent in sailing, so it provides the most natural environment for corporate teamwork. , it is difficult to think of a better method than sailing in order to eliminate individuality created by daily business climate, selfishness and personal competitive environment. Pending 1 week with sailing team will inject strong team spirit.

    Sea and sailing the environment takes the edges of human character, make them close to each other, have them act as a team, teach them respect each other and themselves.  Sharing tasks, sharing meals and sharing feelings will eliminate the accumulation of years.  the efforts given together against the other boats and the nature, sun tanned skins, resting of brain and spirit around nature's most beautiful places will improve the performance of your team. Dignity and being gentleman which is part yachting will be injected into your team.

    You will get a 1 week sailing cruise with your team and learn about teamwork.

    Government Approvals

    International Yacht Training is a fully approved training company by the British Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) and the United States Coastguard (USCG) amongst others. Our commitment to excellence in training, an internationally recognised quality management system (DNV) ISO 9001 and a strong emphasis on quality instruction has led to approvals from 25 Governments worldwide. No other nautical training organisation in the world is as internationally recognised as IYT.

    A number of countries offer dual certification alongside IYT certification. For instance, U.S.citizens who complete the IYT Master of Yachts limited 200 ton course in the U.S. are also eligible to receive the U.S. Coastguard 200 Ton Masters license providing they have the necessary sea time. In Australia, several nautical colleges offer both IYT Master of Yachts Limited certification and Australian Class 5 certification as dual certificates. In Canada and the U.S., some schools offer both IYT recreational certificates and their national certification side by side.

    A growing number of countries are realising the importance of issuing dual certification to students to satisfy their needs for both national and international certificates of competency. As international travel becomes more readily available for emerging economies, the need for IYT international certification has become ever more apparent. The following 25 administrations accept IYT Master of Yachts certification for commercial and recreational purposes.

    MCA Red Ensign Countries

    » Great Britain
    » Cayman Islands
    » Bermuda
    » Isle of Man
    » British Virgin Islands
    » Guernsey
    » Jersey
    » Turks and Caicos
    » Scotland
    » Wales
    » N. Ireland
    » Anguilla
    » Gibraltar
    » Falkland Islands
    » St. Helena
    » Monserrat

    Other Countries

    » U.S.A. (as dual certification)
    » Marshall Islands
    » Ireland
    » Bahamas
    » Lebanon
    » W. Australia (as dual certification )
    » Queensland (as dual certification )
    » New South Wales (dual certification)
    » Poland

    IYT continues to apply for commercial recognition in every country that we operate in. Our recreational certification is accepted by all major Yacht charter companies. IYT Master of Yachts courses are recognised by all major insurance companies.
    IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses
    IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses


    TYF Sailing Licences


    1 week of sailing training in a sailboat while cruising in Eagean sea. (theory and practice) Includes course materials.

    550 € /person


    1 week of sailing training in a sailboat while cruising in Eagean sea. (theory and practice) Includes course materials.

    550 € /person

    IYT Courses

    IYT International Crew

    1 week of sailing training in a sailboat while cruising in Eagean sea. (theory and practice) Includes course materials.

    650 € /person

    IYT Flotilla Skipper

    1 week of sailing training in a sailboat while cruising in Eagean sea. (theory and practice) Includes course materials.

    650 € /person

    IYT Bareboat Skipper

    1 week of sailing training in a sailboat while cruising in Eagean sea. (theory and practice) Includes course materials.

    650 € /person

    Bareboat Skipper compressed

    Get 3 courses in 2 weeks (14 days) and become Bareboat Skipper. 2 weeks of training theory and practice. Includes course materials.

    1400 € /person


    EU European Union and United Nations International Certificate of Competency No. 40 countries. IYT Flotilla Skipper and above can take. Certificate fee.

    90 € /person


    VHF licence. Lessons and exam can be taken during any of the courses.

    200 € /person

    Yachtmaster Coastal

    1 week of training theory and practice. Includes course materials.

    1.500 € /person

    Yachtmaster Offshore

    2 weeks of training theory and practice. Includes course materials.

    2.100 € /person

    Sailing Trips

    Sailing Trip

    You can participate to any of our trips at our booking plan. Trips are either 1 or 2 weeks. You will not get any certificate but You will participate to all of the jobs of the sail crew.

    550 € /person

    Private sailing cruise

    You can close the boat for 1 week. You can decide on the course and where to stop. You can come with any number of friends boat will allow (up to 8-10 people). There will be skipper on the boat but your crew will do all the sailing jobs

    3000 € /week


    Safety at sea and practices

    Survival at sea, personal safety and social responsibility, basic first aid, fire fighting. 5-day training

    800 € /person


    Nautical charts, ploting course, fixes, bearing compass and other fixing methods. 4-day training

    700 € /person

    Astro Navigation

    Definitions, Using Sextant, calculation methods (sun, moon, stars, etc.), the position fixing. 5-day training

    900 € /person

    Tide and Currents

    Tides and currents, calculation methods, using maps and Almanac, bridges & anchoring calculations. 2-day training

    400 € /person

    Corporate team work

    One-week sailing trip and teamwork training

    600 € /person

    1) Above prices includes: accommodation in the boat, fuel cost, ports fee, transit-log, course materials and certificate.
    2) Food either cooked or preserved in the boat, restaurant costs, transfers or transportation to airports are not included.
    3) You need to check in to boat after 12:00 on Saturday and You may leave the boat Friday evening 18:00 to Saturday 12:00.
    4) Reservation cost is 200 € for every course and non-refundable.
    5) Not more than 5 people can get course in a boat based on IYT rules.

    IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses
    IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses IYT (International Yacht Training) Courses

    Course Diagram

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